Big Ideas Wales

Pan Wales

If you are 25 or under, Big Ideas Wales will support you through idea generation to start up. We can help you learn about business and self-employment, the behaviours that will make you successful and help you take the next step towards starting a business or becoming self-employed. Older than 25? No problem - Big Ideas Wales is part of the Business Wales service, supporting those thinking of starting a business, the self-employed, micro, small and medium enterprises in Wales by offering access to information, advice and guidance through workshops, online learning and face to face advice.

Help from Big Ideas Wales includes but is not limited to:

  • Digital resources (sign up for an exclusive start up guide)
  • Networking opportunities with other young entrepreneurs and established business owners
  • Workshops on a wide range of topics such as pitching, social media management for business, market research & start up.
  • Bootcamp to Business - a residential weekender.
  • 1-2-1 business advisor support, and ongoing role model guidance from a local entrepreneur.
  • If you are still education or recently graduated, connect with our Enterprise Champions, there's one at every college and university in Wales.
  • Referral to wider Business Wales support if you are over 25 for help with: Business planning, Sourcing private sector investment, Human Resources, equality & diversity, Tendering, International Trade, Skills, Mentoring, ICT & Digital, Marketing, Workshops, Social Enterprise & 3rd sector support. In addition, the Business Wales Accelerated Growth Programme is aimed at businesses who are experiencing or are likely to experience exponential growth. Businesses must meet clear eligibility criteria.

Not sure where to start on your business journey? For access to a free start up guide, contact us here.

Os ydych yn 25 oed neu'n iau, bydd Syniadau Mawr Cymru yn eich cefnogi, o feddwl am syniadau i ddechrau arni. Gallwn eich helpu i ddysgu am fusnes a hunangyflogaeth, yr ymddygiadau a fydd yn eich gwneud yn llwyddiannus ac yn eich helpu i gymryd y cam nesaf tuag at ddechrau busnes neu ddod yn hunangyflogedig. Hŷn na 25? Dim problem - mae Syniadau Mawr Cymru yn rhan o wasanaeth Busnes Cymru, gan gefnogi'r rhai sy'n ystyried dechrau busnes, pobl hunangyflogedig, microfusnesau, busnesau bach a busnesau canolig yng Nghymru drwy gynnig mynediad at wybodaeth, cyngor ac arweiniad drwy weithdai, dysgu ar-lein a chyngor wyneb yn wyneb. 

Mae cymorth gan Syniadau Mawr Cymru yn cynnwys, ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i:

  • Adnoddau digidol (cofrestrwch ar gyfer canllaw cychwyn unigryw)
  • Cyfleoedd rhwydweithio gydag entrepreneuriaid ifanc eraill a pherchenogion busnes sefydledig
  • Gweithdai ar ystod eang o bynciau megis pitsio, rheoli’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar gyfer busnes, ymchwil i'r farchnad a dechrau busnes. 
  • Bŵt-camp i Fusnesau - penwythnos preswyl. 
  • Cymorth cynghorwyr busnes 1-2-1, a chanllawiau model rôl parhaus gan entrepreneur lleol.
  • Os ydych mewn addysg neu wedi graddio'n ddiweddar, cysylltwch â'n Hyrwyddwyr Menter, mae un ym mhob coleg a phrifysgol yng Nghymru.
  • Cyfeirio at gymorth ehangach Busnes Cymru os ydych dros 25 oed am help gyda: Cynllunio busnes, Dod o hyd i fuddsoddiad gan y sector preifat, Adnoddau Dynol, cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth, Tendro, Masnach Ryngwladol, Sgiliau, Mentora, TGCh a Digidol, Marchnata, Gweithdai, Menter Gymdeithasol a chymorth gan y trydydd sector. Yn ogystal, mae Rhaglen Twf Cyflym Busnes Cymru wedi'i hanelu at fusnesau sy'n profi neu sy'n debygol o brofi twf esbonyddol. Mae’n rhaid i fusnesau fodloni meini prawf clir ynghylch cymhwysedd.

Ddim yn siŵr ble i ddechrau taith eich busnes? I gael mynediad at ganllaw cychwyn am ddim, cysylltwch â ni yma.