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School Counsellor

£31,518 - £33,100 a year

Gwynedd Council offers an attractive employment package, for more information please click on this Information Pack


Gwynedd Council operates internally through the medium of Welsh, and offers all its services bilingually. The applicant will be required to reach the linguistic level noted as one of the essential skills in the Person Specification.

We encourage everyone who applies for a job with Gwynedd Council to submit job applications in Welsh or bilingually.

(Applications submitted in English only or Welsh only will always be treated equally, but we ask applicants to consider carefully what the linguistic requirements of the job in question is and if it would be more appropriate to submit an application in Welsh.)

For further information about this post please contact Dora Wendi Jones on 07815597244 /

Interview date to be confirmed.

Application forms and further details available from Support Service, Gwynedd Council, Council Offices, Caernarfon, LL55 1SH

Tel: 01286 679076


CLOSING DATE:  10.00 AM, MONDAY, 31/03/2025.

The Council will request a Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service for the successful candidate.

If you are successful to be short listed for an interview you will be contacted by E-MAIL using the address provided on your application form. You need to ensure that you check your email regularly.

Purpose of the post

•To ensure that the children and young people of Gwynedd and Anglesey are central to everything we do.

•Provide a counselling service for young people within Gwynedd and Anglesey secondary and primary schools. At present the service is offered on a virtual basis using video link, chat, telephone and e-mail, training is available to support this.

Responsibility for functions

•Laptop and mobile phone

Main duties

•Serve as a team member to provide an effective, professional and statutory counselling service for young people when and as needed.

•Provide a face to face and/or virtual counselling service for individuals that are considered to benefit from counselling:

-Provide and arrange a one to one assessment in compliance with BACP regulations

-Comply with the limitation of the number of sessions in compliance with BACP regulations

-Ensure that every client is assessed and is either attended to by the service or is referred to the appropriate service.

•Act in a manner that complies with recognised standards of counselling providers:

-Comply with the BACP Code of Practice and Ethical Framework

-Follow recommendations of the Welsh Government Support Pack on good practice

-Focus on children and young people's safeguarding and protection arrangements

-Maintain a balance between Safeguarding and Ethics arrangements for the benefit of the client

•Keep standardised notes on every case:

-Collating basic notes on every individual case

-Provide data and feedback to input into the service's information management system

-Input client data into the secure online system on a regular basis

-Ensure all notes are kept in accordance with Data Protection

•Follow a procedure by which the user's opinion on the service is obtained

•Maintain firm contact and an agreed system of efficient collaboration with relevant agencies within the boundaries of confidentiality

•Consult with other key workers in the field of children and young people's well-being and mental health and follow an agreed referral system to and from the service.

•Provide information on the counselling service. Raise awareness of children, young people, their parents and other professionals on the existence of the counselling service and how it operates. Raise school staff's awareness about counselling, advising them on the counselling service's website within the range of support services that are available for children and young people.

•Undertake any other tasks related to providing counselling in schools, as can reasonably be expected given the salary of the post, as requested by a line manager.

•Protect clients and others that are at risk of considerable harm:-

•Clients are dependant on the Counselling Service providing a higher level of confidentiality. It is essential that the Counsellor can provide this safe environment whilst keeping a balance between the Ethical Framework and Child Protection Legislation. There is a need to monitor the clients' needs regularly throughout the Therapeutic process.

•Co-ordinate the service on a school level by:

-Arranging and administrating the counselling service in collaboration with the school;

-Communicating with and contact the school's staff, for the benefit of the young individual, and keeping within the client's confidentiality boundaries;

-Act as a resource for school staff by giving them a glimpse of the counselling world and promoting the service wherever possible;

•Maintain and develop a professional practice through regular and consistent management, and supervision and clinical training, and through taking part in evaluations and investigations of the service;

-Assess and control the risks to individuals, and to yourself.

-Monitor, re-assess and control the risks to individuals regularly

-Take immediate steps that are commensurate to dealing with/addressing any behaviour that poses a risk

-Comply with procedures and protection practices of the department and the Local Safeguarding Children Board

-Comply with all the relevant legislations, guidelines, national standards and departmental policies.

-Keep accurate and updated case records and ensure that the files comply with the department's policy requirements on data protection, written records and confidentiality.

-Pro actively contribute in performance evaluation reviews and individual supervision.

-Make a positive contribution to the team, by collaborating with co-workers and the line manager.

-Attend team meetings and take part in any relevant working groups and other departmental and inter-agency meetings as needed.


-Responsibility for self-development

-Ensure compliance with workplace Health and Safety rules in accordance with the responsibilities noted in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Council’s Health and Safety Policy

-Operate within the Council’s policies in relation to equal opportunities and equality

-Responsibility for managing information in accordance with the Council’s information management guidelines. Ensure that personal information is treated in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

-Undertake any other reasonable duty which corresponds to the salary level and responsibility level of the post.

-Respond to any other reasonable request at the request of the Head of Education Service.

-• Responsible for reporting any concern or suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused.

Personal attributes


Excellent communication and listening skills in Welsh and English.

The ability to respect and deal with clients in the strictest confidence.

Knowledge of Protection Procedures with regards to children and young people and how schools work with Safeguarding systems.

Knowledge of the matters that affect and disrupt young people’s lives.

The capacity to work through personal motivation and work independently

Ability to form good working relationships with colleagues and other agencies.

An enthusiasm for working with children and young people

Patience, tolerance and sensitivity.

A capacity to work under pressure and to react quickly and competently to unexpected events


Ability to develop new skills and make use of unfamiliar software programmes.

Qualifications and relevant training


Qualification in Counselling at a Post Graduate Diploma or corresponding level that is recognised by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Holder, or working towards BACP Accreditation

Higher academic or occupational qualification in a relevant field of study

Registered member of BACP


Any specific training required for the post including accreditation

Qualification and/or training in art/drama/play therapy

Relevant experience


Experience of:

Experience of working as a counsellor

Experience of working with children and young people

Experience of keeping standardised notes

Experience of collaboration with others

Good IT skills and experience of computer and database programmes

Awareness of the principles behind Data Protection/GDPR


Experience of working in schools

Experience of offering counselling virtually: video,phone,e-mail

Experience of offering creative therapy

Skills and specialist knowledge


Counselling/psychotherapy training to a Post Graduate Diploma level


Language requirements

Listening and Speaking - Higher

Able to follow a conversation or discussion through the medium of Welsh and English on a professional level and discuss general day to day topics in the field in order to present information and express opinions.Able to give a pre-prepared presentation and respond to any comments and questions on it in Welsh or English.

Reading and Understanding - Higher

Able to understand standard written Welsh and English; both formal and informal. Able to gather information from various sources such as letters, reports, articles through the medium of Welsh and English in order to fulfil the post.

Writing - Higher

Present written information confidently by letter, more detailed and technical report formats, and respond to written requests conveying information, ideas and opinion in Welsh and English (help is available to check the work).

Mae gan Cyngor Gwynedd becyn cyflogaeth deniadol, am ragor o wybodaeth  cliciwch ar y Pecyn Gwybodaeth


Mae Cyngor Gwynedd yn gweithredu’n fewnol trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ac yn cynnig ei holl wasanaethau yn ddwyieithog. Bydd angen i’r ymgeisydd gyrraedd y lefel ieithyddol sy’n cael ei nodi fel un o’r sgiliau hanfodol yn y Manylion Person.

Rydym yn annog pob ymgeisydd am swydd gyda’r Cyngor i gyflwyno ceisiadau yn Gymraeg neu yn ddwyieithog.

(Bydd ceisiadau sydd yn cael eu cyflwyno yn uniaith Gymraeg neu Saesneg yn cael eu trin yn gwbl gyfartal, ond gofynnir i’r ymgeisydd ystyried yn ofalus beth yw gofynion iaith y swydd a’r sefydliad ac a fyddai cyflwyno cais yn uniaith Gymraeg yn fwy addas.)

Am sgwrs anffurfiol gellir cysylltu â Dora Wendi Jones ar 07815597244 /

Cynnal cyfweliadau i’w gadarnhau.

Ffurflenni cais a manylion pellach gan , Gwasanaeth Cefnogol, Cyngor Gwynedd, Swyddfa'r Cyngor, Stryd y Jêl, Caernarfon, LL55 1SH

Ffôn: 01286 679076 eBost:

DYDDIAD CAU:  10.00 O’R GLOCH, DYDD LLUN, 31/03/2025.

Bydd y Cyngor yn gofyn am ddadleniad gan y Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol ar gyfer yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus

Os yn llwyddiannus i fod ar y rhestr fer am gyfweliad, byddwn  yn cysylltu a chwi drwy’r cyfeiriad E-BOST a gofnodwyd gennych ar eich ffurflen gais.  Mae angen i chwi sicrhau eich bod yn gwirio  eich  E-BOST yn rheolaidd.

Pwrpas y swydd

•Sicrhau bod pobl Gwynedd yn ganolog i bopeth yr ydym yn ei wneud.

•Darparu Gwasanaeth Cwnsela i blant a phobl ifanc o fewn ysgolion uwchradd, chynradd a’r gymuned yng Ngwynedd ac Ynys Môn.

Cyfrifoldeb am adnoddau e.e. staff, cyllid, offer

•Gliniadur a ffon symudol

Prif ddyletswyddau

•Gwasanaethu fel aelod o dîm i ddarparu gwasanaeth cwnsela effeithlon, proffesiynol a statudol ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc pan a fel bo angen.

•Darparu gwasanaeth cwnsela wyneb yn wyneb a/neu rithiol ar gyfer yr unigolion hynny yr ystyrir fyddai’n elwa o gwnsela:

•Darparu a trefnu asesiad un i un yn unol â rheoliadau BACP, (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy)

•Cydymffurfio a chynnal nifer cyfyngedig o sesiynau yn unol canllawiau’r gwasanaeth â rheoliadau BACP .

•Sicrhau y caiff pob cleient ei asesu a bod naill ai’r gwasanaeth yn delio a’r achos neu y caiff y cleient ei gyfeirio at wasanaeth priodol.

•Gweithredu mewn modd sy’n cydymffurfio â safonau cydnabyddedig darparwyr cwnsela:

•Cydymffurfio â Chod Ymarfer a Fframwaith Moesegol y BACP.

•Dilyn argymhellion Pecyn Cefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ar arfer dda.

•Hoelio sylw ar drefniadau gwarchod ac amddiffyn plant a phobl ifanc .

•Cynnal cydbwysedd yn annibynnol rhwng Gwarchod a Moeseg – er budd y cleient.

•Cadw cofnodion safonol ar bob achos:

•Casglu nodiadau sylfaenol ar bob achos unigol .

•Darparu data ac adborth a’i mewnbynnu ar system rheoli gwybodaeth y gwasanaeth.

•Sicrhau cadw yr holl nodiadau yn unol â deddfwriaeth Gwarchod Data .

•Dilyn gweithdrefn ble ceir barn y defnyddiwr ynglŷn â’r gwasanaeth.

•Cynnal cysylltiadau cadarn a system cytunedig o gydweithrediad effeithlon gydag asiantaethau perthnasol o fewn ffiniau cyfrinachedd .

•Ymgynghori a chydweithwyr allweddol eraill ym maes lles a iechyd meddwl plant a phobl ifanc a dilyn system gyfeirio gytunedig tuag at, ac ymlaen, o’r gwasanaeth.

•Darparu gwybodaeth am y gwasanaeth cwnsela. Codi ymwybyddiaeth plant, pobl ifanc, eu rhieni a phobl broffesiynol eraill ynghylch presenoldeb y gwasanaeth cwnsela a sut mae’n gweithredu. Gwneud staff yr ysgol yn ymwybodol o gwnsela, eu cynghori ynghylch y wefan gwasanaeth cwnsela o fewn yr ystod o wasanaethau cefnogol sydd ar gael ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc.

•Cyflawni unrhyw dasgau sy’n gysylltiedig a darparu cwnsela mewn ysgolion, sy’n rhesymol i’w ddisgwyl o ystyried cyflog y swydd, ar gais rheolwr llinell.

•Gwarchod cleientiaid ac eraill sydd mewn perygl o gryn niwed:-

•Mae cleientiaid yn ddibynnol ar y Gwasanaeth Cwnsela i ddarparu lefel uchel o gyfrinachedd. Mae’n hanfodol i’r Cwnselydd ddarparu‘r amgylchedd diogel hwn tra’n cadw cydbwysedd rhwng eu Fframwaith Moesegol ac Amddiffyn Plant. Mae angen monitro anghenion y cleientiaid yn gyson trwy gydol y broses Therapiwtig.

•Cyd gordio’r gwasanaeth ar lefel ysgol drwy:

•Drefnu a gweinyddu’r gwasanaeth ar y cyd â staff yr ysgol;

•Cyfathrebu a chysylltu â staff yr ysgol, er budd yr unigolyn ifanc, gan gadw oddi mewn i derfynau

cyfrinachedd y cleient;

•Gweithredu fel adnodd i staff ysgolion drwy roi cipolwg ar fyd cwnsela a hyrwyddo’r gwasanaeth lle bo modd;

•Cynnal a datblygu ymarfer proffesiynol drwy reolaeth gyson a pharhaus, goruchwyliaeth glinigol a hyfforddiant, a thrwy gymryd rhan mewn gwerthusiadau ac archwiliadau o’r gwasanaeth;

•Asesu a rheoli’r risgiau i unigolion, ac i chi’ch hun.

•Monitro, ail-asesu a rheoli’r risgiau i unigolion yn rheolaidd

•Cymryd camau ar unwaith ac sy’n gymesur i ddelio â/mynd i’r afael ag unrhyw ymddygiad sy’n peri risg.

•Cydymffurfio â gweithdrefnau ac arferion gwarchod y Bwrdd lleol Amddiffyn Plant a rhai’r adran.

•Cydymffurfio â’r holl ddeddfwriaeth, canllawiau, safonau cenedlaethol a polisïau adrannol perthnasol.

•Cadw cofnodion achos cywir ac wedi ei diweddaru a sicrhau bod ffeiliau’n cydymffurfio â gofynion polisi’r adran ar ddiogelu data, cadw cofnodion a chyfrinachedd.

•Cyfrannu’n rhagweithiol mewn adolygiadau arfarnu perfformiad a goruchwyliaeth unigol.

•Gwneud cyfraniad positif tuag at y tîm, trwy gydweithio â chydweithwyr a’r rheolwr llinell.

•Mynychu cyfarfod tîm a cymryd rhan mewn unrhyw weithgorau perthnasol a cyfarfodydd adrannol a rhyng-asianaethol eraill fel bo angen.


•Cyfrifoldeb am hunan ddatblygiad

•Sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth â rheolau Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y gweithle yn unol â’r cyfrifoldebau a nodir yn Neddf Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gweithle 1974 a Pholisi Iechyd a Diogelwch y Cyngor.

•Gweithredu o fewn polisïau’r Cyngor yng nghyswllt cyfle cyfartal a chydraddoldeb.

•Cyfrifoldeb am reoli gwybodaeth yn unol â safonau a chanllawiau rheoli gwybodaeth y Cyngor.  Sicrhau bod gwybodaeth bersonol yn cael ei thrin mewn cydymffurfiaeth â deddfwriaeth Diogelu Data

•Ymrwymiad i leihau allyriadau carbon y Cyngor yn unol â’r Cynllun Rheoli Carbon ac annog eraill i weithredu’n gadarnhaol tuag at leihau ôl-troed carbon y Cyngor.

•Ymgymryd ag unrhyw ddyletswydd arall cyfatebol a rhesymol sy’n cyd-fynd â lefel cyflog a lefel cyfrifoldeb y swydd.

•Cyfrifoldeb i adrodd am bryder neu amheuaeth bod plentyn neu oedolyn bregus yn cael ei gamdrin

Amgylchiadau arbennig

•Ar adegau, mae yn bosib y bydd disgwyliad i weithio fin nos a/neu penwythnosau.

Nodweddion personol


Sgiliau cyfathrebu a gwrando rhagorol yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg

Y gallu i barchu ac ymdrin â chleiantau yn gwbl gyfrinachol

Gwybodaeth am brosesau diogelwch o ran plant a phobl ifanc

Gwybodaeth am y materion sy’n effeithio ac yn tarfu ar fywydau pobl ifanc

Gwybodaeth o ran sut mae systemau diogelu yn gweithio o fewn ysgolion

Y gallu i sicrhau cymhelliant personol ac i weithio’n annibynnol

Gallu cysylltu â chyd weithio efo asiantaethau eraill ac unigolion i newid pethau er gwell mewn ymateb i faterion perthnasol i’r client

Brwdfrydedd dros weithio efo plant a phobl ifanc

Amynedd, goddefgarwch a sensitifrwydd

Y gallu i weithio o dan bwysau ac i ymateb yn sydyn ac yn ddigonol i ddigwyddiadau annisgwyl.


Y gallu i ddayblygu sgiliau Newydd a defnyddio meddalwedd anghyfarwydd

Cymwysterau a hyfforddiant perthnasol


Cymhwyster mewn Cwnsela ar lefel Diploma Ôl radd neu lefel gyfatebol sy’n cael ei hadnabod gan y BACP (British Association for counselling and Psychotherapy)

Yn dal, neu yn gweithio tuag ar Achrediad BACP

Cymhwyster academic neu alwedigaethol uwch mewn maes astudiaeth perthnasol

Aelod cofrestredig o BACP


Unrhyw hyfforddiant penodol sydd ei angen ar gyfer y swydd gan gynnwys achrediad.

Hyfforddiant a/neu gymhwyster mewn therapi celf/chwarae/drama

Profiad perthnasol


Profiad o weithio fel cwnselydd

Profiad o weithio efo plant a phobl ifanc

Profion o gadw nodiadau safonedig

Profiad o gyd-weithio efo eraill

Sgiliau TG da a phrofiad o ddefnyddio rhaglenni cyfrifiadurol a bas data

Ymwybyddiaeth o egwyddorion Gwarchod Data/GDPR


Profiad o weithio mewn ysgolion

Profiad o gynnig cwnsela yn rhithiol - drwy fidio, ffon, ebost.

Profiad o gynnig therapi creadigol

Sgiliau a gwybodaeth arbenigol


Hyfforddiant cwnsela/seicotherapi hyd at lefel diploma Ôl radd



Anghenion ieithyddol

Gwrando a Siarad - Uwch

Gallu dilyn sgwrs neu drafodaeth drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg ar lefel broffesiynol a thrafod pynciau cyffredinol bob dydd yn y maes er mwyn cyflwyno gwybodaeth a mynegi barn.Gallu darparu cyflwyniad wedi'i baratoi o flaen llaw ac ymateb i unrhyw sylwadau a chwestiynau arno drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg.

Darllen a Deall - Uwch

Gallu deall Cymraeg a Saesneg ysgrifenedig safonol, ffurfiol ac anffurfiol.Medru casglu gwybodaeth o amrywiol ffynonellau megis llythyrau, adroddiadau, erthyglau, drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg er mwyn cyflawni'r swydd.

Ysgrifennu - Uwch

Cyflwyno gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig gyda hyder ar ffurf llythyr, adroddiad mwy manwl a thechnegol ac ymateb i geisiadau ysgrifenedig gan gyfleu gwybodaeth, syniadau a barn drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. (Mae'n bosib cael cymorth i wirio'r iaith)

Gwynedd Council
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Welsh essential
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