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Graduate Planner

£26,000 - £32,000
Conwy or Chester

Your role

You will work on a number of varied projects, so a proven ability to manage your own time, workload and problem solve is critical. Ideally, you will also be able to demonstrate the skills needed to market and innovate as these are important elements of this role. You would be involved in a variety of projects to support the planning and development consultancy work and to advise clients with support from Director and Associate Planner.

Essential Requirements:

  • One years’ post-graduate experience in consultancy or local government
  • Town Planning or similar degree
  • Achieved or be working towards chartered membership of the Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI)
  • Excellent analytical, presentation and writing skills
  • Clear commitment to working in the planning and property development field

Desirable Requirements:

  • Two years’ post-graduate experience in consultancy or local government
  • Master’s degree in RTPI/RICS accredited subjects or willingness to work towards such a degree
  • Ability to confidently speak and communicate through the medium of Welsh together with good written skills in Welsh

Your workload will include:

  • Preparing planning applications and appeals;
  • Planning appraisals;
  • Planning strategies; and
  • Development plan representations.

You will provide advice and guidance to a variety of clients including developers, housebuilders, tourism businesses, energy companies and private individuals as well as local planning authorities and other third sector organisations.

Salary and benefits

  • £26,000 - £32,000 per annum (depending on experience)
  • Flexible working
  • Company pension
  • Annual bonus
  • Opportunities to attend events as part of the team
  • Opportunities to broaden your networks
  • Paid RTPI Membership


We offer flexibility to work from our Conwy or Chester office and also work from home, along with the opportunity to work in an environment which allows for an excellent work/life balance. Although this job role may require some travel out to various sites with the Planners.

Join our team!

The company is a sociable and supportive company. As an equal opportunities employer we aspire to have a diverse and inclusive workplace and suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Please forward your CV and a cover letter to

Please provide full information about your education and professional qualifications, including attainment levels.

Job Description & Requirements

Eich rôl

Byddwch yn gweithio ar nifer o brosiectau amrywiol, felly mae gallu profedig i reoli eich amser eich hun, eich llwyth gwaith a datrys problemau yn hollbwysig. Yn ddelfrydol, byddwch hefyd yn gallu dangos y sgiliau sydd eu hangen i farchnata ac arloesi gan fod y rhain yn elfennau pwysig o'r rôl hon. Byddech yn ymwneud ag amrywiaeth o brosiectau i gefnogi'r gwaith ymgynghori cynllunio a datblygu ac i gynghori cleientiaid gyda chymorth Cyfarwyddwr a Chynlluniwr Cyswllt.

Gofynion Hanfodol:

  • Blwyddyn o brofiad ôl-raddedig mewn ymgynghori neu lywodraeth leol
  • Gradd Cynllunio Trefol neu debyg
  • Wedi cyflawni neu'n gweithio tuag at aelodaeth siartredig o'r Sefydliad Cynllunio Trefol Brenhinol (MRTPI)
  • Sgiliau dadansoddi, cyflwyno ac ysgrifennu rhagorol
  • Ymrwymiad clir i weithio ym maes cynllunio a datblygu eiddo.

Gofynion Dymunol:

  • Dwy flynedd o brofiad ôl-raddedig mewn ymgynghori neu lywodraeth leol
  • Gradd meistr mewn pynciau achrededig RTPI/RICS neu barodrwydd i weithio tuag at radd o'r fath
  • Y gallu i siarad a chyfathrebu'n hyderus trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ynghyd â sgiliau ysgrifennu da yn y Gymraeg

Bydd eich llwyth gwaith yn cynnwys:

  • Paratoi ceisiadau cynllunio ac apeliadau;
  • Arfarniadau cynllunio;
  • Strategaethau cynllunio; a
  • Cyflwyno sylwadau ar gynlluniau datblygu.

Byddwch yn rhoi cyngor ac arweiniad i amrywiaeth o gleientiaid gan gynnwys datblygwyr, adeiladwyr tai, busnesau twristiaeth, cwmnïau ynni ac unigolion preifat yn ogystal ag awdurdodau cynllunio lleol a sefydliadau trydydd sector eraill.

Cyflog a buddion

  • Gweithio hyblyg
  • Pensiwn y cwmni
  • Bonws blynyddol
  • Cyfleoedd i fynychu digwyddiadau yn rhan o’r tîm
  • Cyfleoedd i ehangu eich rhwydweithiau
  • Talu am aelodaeth RTPI


Rydym yn cynnig hyblygrwydd i weithio o’n swyddfa yng Nghonwy neu Gaer a hefyd gweithio o gartref, ynghyd â’r cyfle i weithio mewn amgylchedd sy’n caniatáu cydbwysedd rhagorol rhwng bywyd a gwaith. Efallai y bydd y swydd hon hefyd yn gofyn am rywfaint o deithio allan i wahanol safleoedd gyda'r Cynllunwyr.

Ymunwch â’n tîm!

Mae'r cwmni yn gwmni cymdeithasol a chefnogol. Fel cyflogwr cyfle cyfartal rydym yn anelu at gael gweithle amrywiol a chynhwysol ac anogir ymgeiswyr â chymwysterau addas o ystod eang o gefndiroedd i wneud cais.

Anfonwch eich CV a llythyr cyflwyno i

Darparwch wybodaeth lawn am eich addysg a'ch cymwysterau proffesiynol, gan gynnwys lefelau cyrhaeddiad.

Swydd Ddisgrifiad a Gofynion

Cadnant Planning
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Welsh essential
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