Cyngor Gwynedd

Local Council

Education. Health. Social care. Economic development. Housing. The environment. Culture. These are just a few examples of the range of responsibilities placed on local governments. Effective government therefore lies on innovative, skilled and experienced workforces; and in this, Cyngor Gwynedd is keen to welcome and develop a new generation of field experts, to lead and innovate, and to improve the lives of the people of Gwynedd.

Cynllun Yfory is Cyngor Gwynedd's graduate scheme. It is a unique opportunity to join the 6,000 staff at the council who run some 100 hundred services for the 120,000 people who call Gwynedd their home. Upon joining the scheme, you will develop field-specific expertise and gain hands-on experience of the work, organisations and systems which underpin the services offered by the council. Since the start of the scheme in 2017, the council has recruited a number of different trainees, including:

Leadership and Management Professional Trainee.

Leadership and Management Professional Trainee – Health and Social Care.    

Countryside Management Professional Trainee.

Procurement Trainee.

Trainee Property Surveyor.

Graduate Wellbeing Trainee.

Legal Trainee.

Translation Professional Trainee.

The graduate scheme spans two years. During this time, trainees will work on high-level managerial projects within the council, whilst also studying part-time for a bespoke Master’s degree – fully-funded by the council. Cynllun Yfory is therefore a great opportunity to develop the core skills, knowledge and experiences to pursue a successful career in Cyngor Gwynedd and the wider public sector.

All applicants must reach the following criteria:

To have achieved (or likely to achieve) a 2:2 grade or higher.

Fluent in Welsh and English.

Gained GCSEs in Mathematics, Welsh, English and Science at grade C or above.

Shown commitment to local government and/or local communities.

Find out more about Cynllun Yfory.

Addysg. Iechyd. Gofal cymdeithasol. Datblygiad economaidd. Tai. Yr amgylchedd. Diwylliant. Dyma flas i chi o’r ystod o gyfrifoldebau sydd gan lywodraethau lleol. Mae’n gofyn am weithlu dyfeisgar, medrus a phrofiadol; ac yn hyn, mae Cyngor Gwynedd yn awyddus i groesawu a datblygu cenhedlaeth newydd o arbenigwyr maes, i arwain ac i arloesi, ac i wella bywydau pobl Gwynedd.

Cynllun Yfory yw cynllun graddedigion Cyngor Gwynedd. Mae’n gyfle unigryw i ymuno gyda’r 6,000 o staff yn y Cyngor sy’n gyfrifol am redeg oddeutu 100 o wasanaethau i’r 120,000 o bobl sy’n byw yng Ngwynedd. Ar y Cynllun, mi fyddwch yn datblygu arbenigedd maes penodol ac yn ennill profiad ymarferol o’r gwaith, sefydliadau a’r systemau sydd y tu cefn i wasanaethau’r Cyngor. Ers dechrau’r Cynllun yn 2017, mae’r Cyngor wedi recriwtio nifer o wahanol fathau o hyfforddeion, gan gynnwys:

Hyfforddai Proffesiynol Arwain a Rheoli.

Hyfforddai Proffesiynol Arwain a Rheoli - Iechyd a Gofal.

Hyfforddai Proffesiynol Rheolaeth Cefn Gwlad.

Hyfforddai Proffesiynol Caffael.

Hyfforddai SyrfëwrEiddo.

Hyfforddai Llesiant.

Hyfforddai Cyfreithiol Proffesiynol.

Hyfforddai Proffesiynol Cyfieithu.


Mae’r Cynllun yn pontio dwy flynedd. Yn y cyfnod hwn, mi fydd yr hyfforddeion yn gweithio ar brosiectau rheolaethol lefel uchel o fewn y Cyngor, wrth hefyd astudio’n rhan-amser am raddau Meistr pwrpasol - wedi’u hariannu’n llawn gan y Cynllun. Mae Cynllun Yfory felly’n gyfle gwych i feddu’r sgiliau, gwybodaeth a’r profiadau craidd i ddatblygu gyrfa lwyddiannus yn Cyngor Gwynedd a’r sector gyhoeddus ehangach.


Rhaid i bob ymgeisydd gyrraedd y meini prawf isod:

Wedi ennill (neu’n debygol o ennill) gradd 2:2 neu uwch.

Rhugl yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg.

Wedi ennill TGAU gradd C neu uwch mewn Mathemateg, Cymraeg, Saesneg a Gwyddoniaeth.

Ymroddiad i lywodraeth leol.

 Darganfod mwy am Gynllun Yfory.