1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your experience.
Hello! My name's Mared, and I'm Darogan's brand new Marketing Manager. I'm originally from Denbigh in north Wales, but I moved to Cardiff to study English Literature in 2012 and somehow completely and utterly forgot to move back home.
I was first introduced to the world of marketing and communications when I undertook an internship at Cardiff University’s alumni department. Who knew you could write tweets for a living! After wrapping up my internship and my MA in Creative Writing, I was promptly launched into a ten-year creative career at Shed Marketing, Llais Cymru and Urdd Gobaith Cymru - and now Darogan!
2. What inspired you to join Darogan?
Part of Darogan's mission statement is to counter the cultural 'brain drain' in Wales; I myself very nearly upped sticks because I was under the impression that all the cool creative jobs were in London. Fortunately, I was swiftly proven wrong and now have the opportunity to support Darogan's mission of showcasing Wales's potential to employers and graduates alike, whether they're from Wales, studied in Wales or have never even heard of Wales 'til now.
I'm also particularly attracted to any role that allows me to not only use but to embrace my mother tongue. Amdani, Darogan!
3. What are your hobbies and interests?
Like any stereotypical Welsh person, I love to sing! After a childhood of choirs, Eisteddfodau and school musicals, I was introduced to the world of a cappella when I joined the Cardiff University DeciBelles as a student, and I'm now a part of The Inner Voices, a Cardiff-based collective of vocal harmony singers. Feel free to catch us on our upcoming Wales tour or on Spotify!
When I'm not working or singing (which is admittedly rare), I can most likely be found reading on the sofa with my two cats, Kenneth and Mavis, dozing and/or fighting for dominance on my lap. I also enjoy eating Asian cuisine, trawling the internet for niche Pokémon memorabilia, and spending far too much money on watching stage plays and musicals (to the extent that the Wales Millennium Centre could very well be considered my home address).
4. What are you most looking forward to with your new role with Darogan?
As Darogan's first Marketing Manager, I can't wait to get stuck in and continue Owain, Gwenno and Jack's fantastic job of shaping Darogan into a memorable brand and remarkable service that really resonates with graduates and employers, in and outside of Wales.
I'm also particularly excited for our upcoming brand refresh - watch this space!
1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your experience.
Hello! My name's Mared, and I'm Darogan's brand new Marketing Manager. I'm originally from Denbigh in north Wales, but I moved to Cardiff to study English Literature in 2012 and somehow completely and utterly forgot to move back home.
I was first introduced to the world of marketing and communications when I undertook an internship at Cardiff University’s alumni department. Who knew you could write tweets for a living! After wrapping up my internship and my MA in Creative Writing, I was promptly launched into a ten-year creative career at Shed Marketing, Llais Cymru and Urdd Gobaith Cymru - and now Darogan!
2. What inspired you to join Darogan?
Part of Darogan's mission statement is to counter the cultural 'brain drain' in Wales; I myself very nearly upped sticks because I was under the impression that all the cool creative jobs were in London. Fortunately, I was swiftly proven wrong and now have the opportunity to support Darogan's mission of showcasing Wales's potential to employers and graduates alike, whether they're from Wales, studied in Wales or have never even heard of Wales 'til now.
I'm also particularly attracted to any role that allows me to not only use but to embrace my mother tongue. Amdani, Darogan!
3. What are your hobbies and interests?
Like any stereotypical Welsh person, I love to sing! After a childhood of choirs, Eisteddfodau and school musicals, I was introduced to the world of a cappella when I joined the Cardiff University DeciBelles as a student, and I'm now a part of The Inner Voices, a Cardiff-based collective of vocal harmony singers. Feel free to catch us on our upcoming Wales tour or on Spotify!
When I'm not working or singing (which is admittedly rare), I can most likely be found reading on the sofa with my two cats, Kenneth and Mavis, dozing and/or fighting for dominance on my lap. I also enjoy eating Asian cuisine, trawling the internet for niche Pokémon memorabilia, and spending far too much money on watching stage plays and musicals (to the extent that the Wales Millennium Centre could very well be considered my home address).
4. What are you most looking forward to with your new role with Darogan?
As Darogan's first Marketing Manager, I can't wait to get stuck in and continue Owain, Gwenno and Jack's fantastic job of shaping Darogan into a memorable brand and remarkable service that really resonates with graduates and employers, in and outside of Wales.
I'm also particularly excited for our upcoming brand refresh - watch this space!
1. Dywedwch ychydig amdanoch chi a’ch profiad.
Helo! Fy enw i yw Mared, a fi ‘di Rheolwr Marchnata newydd sbon Darogan. Dwi’n wreiddiol o Ddinbych yng ngogledd Cymru, ond symudais i Gaerdydd i astudio Llenyddiaeth Saesneg yn 2012 ac anghofio’n llwyr symud bod angen symud yn ôl.
Ges i fy nghyflwyno i fyd marchnata a chyfathrebu pan ymgymerais ag interniaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd fel cynorthwyydd cyfathrebu yn yr adran cyn-fyfyrwyr. Sgwennu tweets am fywoliaeth? Ia plîs! Wedi cwblhau fy interniaeth a fy MA mewn Ysgrifennu Creadigol, cefais fy lansio fewn i yrfa greadigol gyda chwmnïau fel Shed Marketing, Llais Cymru a’r Urdd - a rŵan Darogan!
2. Beth wnaeth eich ysbrydoli i ymuno â Darogan?
Rhan fawr o ddyhead Darogan yw ceisio gwrthdroi’r ‘brain drain’ yng Nghymru, ble mae graddedigion ifanc yn gadael y wlad. Mi wnes i fy hun bron iawn adael Cymru, hefyd, gan fy mod i dan yr argraff bod angen symud i Lundain os oeddwn i am gael swydd cŵl a chreadigol. Wel, yn amlwg iawn cefais fy mhrofi’n anghywir, a dwi bellach yn hynod o falch i gefnogi nod Darogan o arddangos potensial Cymru i gyflogwyr a graddedigion, boed yn wreiddiol o Gymru, wedi astudio yma neu erioed wedi hyd yn oed clywed am y wlad!
Cefais hefyd fy nenu’n arbennig at y rôl gan ei bod hi’n fy nghaniatáu i nid yn unig ddefnyddio fy Nghymraeg, ond i ymfalchio ynddi. Amdani, Darogan!
3. Beth yw eich hobïau a'ch diddordebau?
Fel unrhyw Gymraes, dwi wrth fy modd yn canu a pherfformio! Ar ôl cael fy magu ar lwyfan Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd, cefais fy nghyflwyno i ganu a cappella pan ymunais â Chymdeithas A Cappella Prifysgol Caerdydd, a dwi bellach yn rhan o The Inner Voices - croeso mawr i chi wrando arnom ni ar Spotify neu brynu tocyn i un o’n sioeau yn y gwanwyn!
Pan dwi ddim yn gweithio neu’n canu (sydd ddim yn digwydd yn aml iawn), fedrwch chi ddod o hyd i mi’n darllen ar y soffa tra mae fy nghathod, Kenneth a Mavis, yn pendwmpian (neu’n ffraeo) ar fy nglin. Dwi hefyd yn mwynhau bwyta bwydydd Asiaidd, pori’r we am nwyddau Pokemon, a threulio lot gormod o amser (a gwario lot gormod o bres!) yn gwylio dramâu a sioeau gerdd.
4. Beth ydych chi'n edrych ymlaen ato fwyaf gyda'ch rôl newydd gyda Darogan?
Fel Rheolwr Marchnata cyntaf erioed Darogan, dwi’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr i barhau gyda gwaith gwych Owain, Gwenno a Jack o siapio’r cwmni fewn i wasanaeth a brand cofiadwy sy’n wirioneddol ddefnyddiol i fyfyrwyr a chyflogwyr, tu fewn a thu hwnt i Gymru.
(Hefyd, mae brandio newydd sbon ar ei ffordd - mwy ar hynny i ddod!)