“Make us another coffee!”. Four words I certainly wouldn’t be hearing on my internship here at Darogan Talent, mainly because I’m working remotely here in North Wales, but more importantly, it’s because I’ve been welcomed and treated like a valuable member of the Darogan team.
The internship came about after I saw Darogan’s event in Warwick University. I was unable to attend as I was studying in America at the time. After reading about what Darogan Talent do for students inside and out of Wales, I messaged Owain asking about the possibility of doing an internship with Darogan as I was looking for internships at the time. To me, working for a company that is doing something that means something to me is very important as it is a greater motivation.
The internship could not have come at a better time for me personally or for Darogan because the Find your Future event series was around the corner at the time of me joining, so I could be a helping hand for the company in the final promotion and running of the events.
The events were a great chance to see what opportunities are available in Wales and it was very rewarding to see students find work opportunities through our work. They were also an opportunity for me to speak to employers and become more comfortable in a professional setting while speaking to potential employers.
Doing the internship from home has been an interesting experience and possibly a look into what the future holds as I begin applying for jobs in my final year of university. Luckily, we have virtual office software which makes communicating feel more natural and like an office setting. However, the events have been a highlight because working with people in person is a nice change from being home working.
With my time doing this internship coming to an end, I must say that I’ve had a fantastic time and have enjoyed the valuable experiences that I’ve had - ranging from the events to the more menial tasks like sending emails - as they have all given me a taste for what the world of work is like, which is exactly why I wanted to do an internship, all while working for a company with a cause close to my heart. I cannot thank Owain, Jack and Gwenno enough for the experience and making the experience the one it was.
“Make us another coffee!”. Four words I certainly wouldn’t be hearing on my internship here at Darogan Talent, mainly because I’m working remotely here in North Wales, but more importantly, it’s because I’ve been welcomed and treated like a valuable member of the Darogan team.
The internship came about after I saw Darogan’s event in Warwick University. I was unable to attend as I was studying in America at the time. After reading about what Darogan Talent do for students inside and out of Wales, I messaged Owain asking about the possibility of doing an internship with Darogan as I was looking for internships at the time. To me, working for a company that is doing something that means something to me is very important as it is a greater motivation.
The internship could not have come at a better time for me personally or for Darogan because the Find your Future event series was around the corner at the time of me joining, so I could be a helping hand for the company in the final promotion and running of the events.
The events were a great chance to see what opportunities are available in Wales and it was very rewarding to see students find work opportunities through our work. They were also an opportunity for me to speak to employers and become more comfortable in a professional setting while speaking to potential employers.
Doing the internship from home has been an interesting experience and possibly a look into what the future holds as I begin applying for jobs in my final year of university. Luckily, we have virtual office software which makes communicating feel more natural and like an office setting. However, the events have been a highlight because working with people in person is a nice change from being home working.
With my time doing this internship coming to an end, I must say that I’ve had a fantastic time and have enjoyed the valuable experiences that I’ve had - ranging from the events to the more menial tasks like sending emails - as they have all given me a taste for what the world of work is like, which is exactly why I wanted to do an internship, all while working for a company with a cause close to my heart. I cannot thank Owain, Jack and Gwenno enough for the experience and making the experience the one it was.
“Gwna banned arall i ni!”. Rhywbeth doeddwn i’n sicr ddim am glywed yn ystod fy amser fel intern yn Darogan Talent – yn rhannol gan fy mod i’n gweithio o adref, ar-lein, ond yn bwysicach na hynny, gan fod y tîm wedi fy nghroesawu fel aelod pwysig o Darogan Talent ac wedi helpu gwneud yr interniaeth yma’n brofiad amhrisiadwy.
Daeth y syniad o’r interniaeth fyny pan glywais am ddigwyddiad Darogan ym mhrifysgol Warwick tra’n astudio ym mhrifsygol Michigan fel rhan o flwyddyn allan. Yn amlwg, nid oeddwn i’n gallu mynychu felly mi wnes i yrru neges i holi Owain os oedd hi’n bosib cael gwneud interniaeth gyda Darogan gan fy mod i’n chwilio am un fodd bynnag. I mi, mae gweithio i gwmni sydd yn anelu i wneud rhywbeth rydw i’n coelio ynddo yn bwysicach na gweithio i gwmni ariannol mewn dinas mawr.
Ymunais â Darogan ar amser gwych, wythnos cyn dechrau eu cyfres o ddigwyddiadau Darganfod dy Ddyfodol. Roedd yna ddipyn o waith marchnata a pharatoi’r manylion olaf i’r digwyddiadau yn ogystal â bod yn bâr arall o ddwylo yn ystod y digwyddiadau.
Roedd y digwyddiadau eu hunain yn brofiad gwych. Cefais drafeilio ar hyd arfordir Cymru i Gaerfyrddin a Cheredigion i weld y cyfleoedd gwaith sydd ar gael ledled Cymru - agoriad llygaid yn ei hun. Roedd y digwyddiadau yn gyfle am ddatblygiad personol a phroffesiynol i fy hun wrth gael cyfle i sgwrsio gyda chyflogwyr yn y digwyddiadau. Cefais wella fy sgiliau rhwydweithio a chael blas ar beth mae cyflogwyr eisiau gan ymgeiswyr.
Roedd gwneud yr interniaeth o adref yn brofiad diddorol gan ei fod yn olwg ar sut bydd y byd gwaith yn y dyfodol wrth i mi gychwyn ceisio am swyddi yn y misoedd nesaf. Yn ffodus, mae gennym ni swyddfa rithwir sy’n gwneud cyfathrebu yn fwy naturiol a chyfleus yn hytrach na gorfod gyrru e-byst a threfnu cyfarfodydd. Er hyn, y digwyddiadau oedd fy hoff ddyddiau gan fy mod yn cael cyfle i fynd i lefydd newydd a gweithio gyda’r tîm.
Gyda fy amser yn dod i ben yn yr interniaeth, mae’n rhaid i mi ddweud fy mod i wedi cael amser gwych ac wedi mwynhau pob profiad, foed o’n ddigwyddiad mawr neu’n dasg syml fel gyrru e-byst. Dwi’n teimlo fy mod i wedi cael cyfle i ddysgu a chael blas ar y byd gwaith lle mae pethau’n mynd yn dda, yn ddrwg a phopeth rhwng y ddau. Mae’r holl brofiad wedi teimlo’n well fyth wrth weithio i gwmni sy’n delio â phroblem sy’n agos i fy nghalon. Hoffwn i ddiolch o waelod calon i Owain, Jack a Gwenno am y cyfle ac am wneud y profiad yn un bythgofiadwy.