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Occupational Health Adviser

£38,626 - £40,476

Gwynedd Council offers an attractive employment package, for more information please click on this Information Pack

Gwynedd Council operates internally through the medium of Welsh, and offers all its services bilingually. The applicant will be required to reach the linguistic level noted as one of the essential skills in the Person Specification.

We encourage everyone who applies for a job with Gwynedd Council to submit job applications in Welsh or bilingually.  

(Applications submitted in English only or Welsh only will always be treated equally, but we ask applicants to consider carefully what the linguistic requirements of the job in question is and if it would be more appropriate to submit an application in Welsh.)

For further information about this post please contact Haf Ward Williams  on  01286 679631

Interview date to be confirmed.

Application forms and further details available from Support Service, Gwynedd Council, Council Offices, Caernarfon, LL55 1SH

Tel: 01286 679076


CLOSING DATE:  10.00 AM, 04/12/2024

The Council will request a Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service for the successful candidate.

If you are successful to be short listed for an interview you will be contacted by E-MAIL using the address provided on your application form. You need to ensure that you check your email regularly.

Information Pack Corporate Support

Purpose of the post

•Provide an occupational health advisory service internally to the Council and external clients by promoting and implementing return to work plans, take responsibility for providing professional and expert advice on matters relating to sickness absence.

•Ensure that the people of Gwynedd are at the heart of everything we do.

Responsibility for functions

•Supervision of professional aspects (only) of the work of the Occupational Health Officer.

Main duties

•Work as part of a small team to structure, screen referrals and prioritise the work of the Occupational Health Unit ensuring that the internal needs of the Council as well as external contracts are met.

•Contribute towards assessing all the occupational health requirements of the Council as well as any other organsiation that the Unit provides service to, and undertake a pivotal role in the planning, implementing and evaluation of the arrangements in place.

•Advise managers and staff at all levels within the organisations on occupational health matters whilst referring appropriate cases to the Occupational Health Physician.

•Supervise the clinical aspects (only) of the Occupational Health Officer’s work.

•Undertake assessments of staff members’ medical condition when absent from work whilst regularly monitoring progress.

•Assist managers to undertake risk assessments involving dangers to occupational health.

•Conduct check on pre-employment questionnaires and come to conclusions on prospective staff’s medical condition.

•Support staff within the workplace or on their return to work by advising individuals and managers as appropriate whilst avoiding attempting to provide medical care usually undertkaen by the General Practitioner.

•Organize and implement health surveillance program.

•Carry specific health surveillance test eg,spirometry,audiometry,hand arm vibration assessments,skin checks

•Organize and implement health promotion campaigns within the Council.

•Organising and delivering health programs to respond to national health campaigns within the Council's workforce e.g. seasonal flu vaccination program

•Accept responsibilty for all professional advice given to managers and individual members of staff.

•Ensure appropriate records are kept of each test / procedure, treatment or advice given.

•Develop policies / and developmental projects such as training programs in relation to the health of the Council’s workforce and / or reducing absence.

•Consult and co – operate closely with Human Resources Advisors and Health, Safety and Welfare Advisor in order to provide the best service possible to the customer.

•Responsibility for self-development.

•Ensure compliance with Health and Safety rules in the workplace in accordance with the responsibilities noted in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Council’s Health and Safety Policy.

•Operate within the Council’s policies in relation to equal opportunities and equality.

•Responsible for managing information in accordance with the Council’s information management guidelines. Ensure that personal information is treated in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

•Commitment to reducing the Council’s carbon emissions in accordance with the Carbon Management Plan, and to encourage others to act positively towards reducing the Council’s Carbon Footprint.

•Undertake any other reasonable duty which corresponds to the salary level and responsibility level of the job.

•Responsibility to report any worry or suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult is being abuse.

Personal attributes


•Good communication skills able to demonstrate progressiveness

•Work flexibly with a team framework

•Committed to achievement and able recognise opportunities to improve the service



Qualifications and relevant training


•Current registration with NMC on part one or two of the register

•Evidence of continuing professional and personal development


•Diploma in Occupational Health Nursing

•Training qualification

Relevant experience


•Minimum two years post registration experience

•Experience of delivering evidence based clinical practice in a previous post

•Multi-disciplinary experience


•Experience of working in Occupational Health

•Experience in delivering presentations and / or training sessions

•Experience of conducting audits

•Training and mentoring experience

•Experience of policy development and / or leading on projects

•Past involvement in health promotion initiatives

Skills and specialist knowledge


•Full understanding on NMC code of Practice and clinical governance arrangements

•Good inter-personal skills and able to deal sensitively with individuals who are suffering physical or psychological illness

•Work effectively under pressure

•Solid presenting skills

•Solid computing skills to include the Microsoft Office package


•The understanding on health and safety regulations in relation to health surveillance

Language requirements

Listening and Speaking - Higher

Able to follow a conversation or discussion through the medium of Welsh and English on a professional level and discuss general day to day topics in the field in order to present information and express opinions.Able to give a pre-prepared presentation and respond to any comments and questions on it in Welsh or English.

Reading and Understanding - Higher

Able to understand standard written Welsh and English; both formal and informal.Able to gather information from various sources such as letters, reports, articles through the medium of Welsh and English in order to fulfil the post.

Writing - Higher

Present written information confidently by letter, more detailed and technical report formats, and respond to written requests conveying information, ideas and opinion in Welsh and English (help is available to check the work).

Mae gan Cyngor Gwynedd becyn cyflogaeth deniadol, am ragor o wybodaeth  cliciwch ar y Pecyn Gwybodaeth

Mae Cyngor Gwynedd yn gweithredu’n fewnol trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ac yn cynnig ei holl wasanaethau yn ddwyieithog. Bydd angen i’r ymgeisydd gyrraedd y lefel ieithyddol sy’n cael ei nodi fel un o’r sgiliau hanfodol yn y Manylion Person.

Rydym yn annog pob ymgeisydd am swydd gyda’r Cyngor i gyflwyno ceisiadau yn Gymraeg neu yn ddwyieithog.

(Bydd ceisiadau sydd yn cael eu cyflwyno yn uniaith Gymraeg neu Saesneg yn cael eu trin yn gwbl gyfartal, ond gofynnir i’r ymgeisydd ystyried yn ofalus beth yw gofynion iaith y swydd a’r sefydliad ac a fyddai cyflwyno cais yn uniaith Gymraeg yn fwy addas.)

Am sgwrs anffurfiol gellir cysylltu â Haf Ward Williams ar  01286 679631

Cynnal cyfweliadau i’w gadarnhau.

Ffurflenni cais a manylion pellach gan , Gwasanaeth Cefnogol, Cyngor Gwynedd, Swyddfa'r Cyngor, Stryd y Jêl, Caernarfon, LL55 1SH

Ffôn: 01286 679076 eBost:

DYDDIAD CAU:  10.00 O’R GLOCH, 04/12/2024

Bydd y Cyngor yn gofyn am ddadleniad gan y Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol ar gyfer yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus

Os yn llwyddiannus i fod ar y rhestr fer am gyfweliad, byddwn  yn cysylltu a chwi drwy’r cyfeiriad E-BOST a gofnodwyd gennych ar eich ffurflen gais.  Mae angen i chwi sicrhau eich bod yn gwirio  eich  E-BOST yn rheolaidd.

Pecyn Gwybodaeth Cefnogaeth Corfforaethol

Pwrpas y swydd

•Darparu gwasanaeth iechyd galwedigaethol ymgynghorol mewnol i’r Cyngor a chleientiau allanol gan hyrwyddo a gweithredu cynlluniau dychwelyd i’r gwaith a chymryd cyfrifoldeb am ddarparu cyngor arbenigol a phroffesiynol ar absenoldebau salwch.

•Sicrhau bod pobl Gwynedd yn ganolog i bopeth yr ydan ni yn ei wneud.

Cyfrifoldeb am adnoddau e.e. staff, cyllid, offer

•Gorychwyliaeth broffesiynol yn unig tros y Swyddog Iechyd Galwedigaethol

Prif ddyletswyddau

•Gweithio fel rhan o dim bychan i lunio, sgrinio cyfeiriadau a blaenoriaethu rhaglen waith yr Uned Iechyd Galwedigaethol gan sicrhau fod anghenion mewnol y Cyngor ynghyd a chytundebau allanol yn cael eu diwallu.

•Cyfrannu at asesu holl anghenion iechyd galwedigaethol y Cyngor ac unrhyw sefydliad arall sy’n derbyn gwasanaeth gan yr Uned gan ymgymryd a rol allweddol i gynllunio, gweithredu ac arfarnu’r trefniadau sydd mewn lle.

•Cynghori rheolwyr a staff ar bob lefel o fewn y sefydliad ar faterion iechyd galwedigaethol gan gyfeirio materion priodol i sylw’r Meddyg Iechyd Galwedigaethol.

•Gorchwylio elfennau clinigol (yn unig) o waith y Swyddog Iechyd Galwedigaethol.

•Ymgymryd ag asesiadau o gyflwr meddygol staff pan yn absennol o’r gwaith gan fonitro cynnydd yn rheolaidd.

•Cynorthwyo rheolwyr i ymgymryd ag asesiadau risg sy’n ymwneud a pheryglon iechyd galwedigaethol.

•Cynnal gwiriadau o holiaduron cyn-gyflogaeth er mwyn dod i gasgliadau ynglŷn a chyflwr iechyd darpar-staff.

•Cefnogi gweithwyr o fewn y gweithle neu ar ôl dychwelyd i’r gwaith gan gynghori unigolion a rheolwyr fel bo’n briodol, gan osgoi ceisio darparu gofal meddygol yr ymgymerir ag o yn arferol gan y Meddyg Teulu.

•Trefnu a gweithredu rhaglen wyliadwriaeth iechyd.

•Ymgymryd â phrofion gwyliadwriaeth iechyd penodol e.e. anadl, croen, clyw.

•Trefnu a gweithredu ar ymgyrchoedd hybu iechyd o fewn y Cyngor.

•Trefnu a darparu rhaglenni iechyd i ymateb i ymgyrchoedd iechyd cenedlaethol o fewn gweithlu’r Cyngor e.e. rhaglen brechu ffliw tymhorol.

•Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am bob cyngor proffesiynol a gynigir i reolwyr a staff unigol.

•Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am gymryd cofnodion priodol yng nghyswllt pob cyngor / prawf neu / driniaeth a roddir a fod y cofnodion hynny yn cael eu trin a’u cadw yn unol â gofynion y Ddeddf Diogelu Data.

•Datblygu polisiau a phrosiectau datblygol / rhagweithiol megis rhaglenni hyfforddiant sy’n ymwneud a iechyd gweithlu’r Cyngor.a / neu leihau absenoldebau

•Ymgynghori a chydweithio’n agos gyda Swyddogion Personel ac Ymgynghorwyr Iechyd a Diogelwch yn ogystal â Swyddogion Adnoddau Dynol er mwyn darparu’r gwasanaeth gorau posibl i’r cwsmer.

•Cyfrifoldeb am hunan ddatblygiad

•Sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth â rheolau Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y gweithle yn unol â’r cyfrifoldebau a nodir yn Neddf Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gweithle 1974 a Pholisi Iechyd a Diogelwch y Cyngor.

•Gweithredu o fewn polisi a gweithdrefnau’r Cyngor yng nghyswllt cyfle cyfartal a chydraddoldeb.

•Cyfrifoldeb am reoli gwybodaeth yn unol â safonau a chanllawiau rheoli gwybodaeth y Cyngor.  Sicrhau bod gwybodaeth bersonol yn cael ei thrin mewn cydymffurfiaeth â deddfwriaeth Diogelu Data

•Ymrwymiad i leihau allyriadau carbon y Cyngor yn unol â’r Cynllun Rheoli Carbon ac i annog eraill i weithredu’n gadarnhaol tuag at leihau ôl-troed carbon y Cyngor.

•Ymgymryd ag unrhyw ddyletswydd arall cyfatebol a rhesymol sy’n cyd-fynd â lefel cyflog a lefel cyfrifoldeb y swydd.

•Cyfrifoldeb i adrodd ar bryder neu amheuaeth bod plentyn neu oedolyn bregus yn cael ei gamdrin

Nodweddion personol


•Cyfathrebu’n effeithiol ac arddangos blaengaredd / “gweld gwaith”

•Gweithio’n hyblyg o fewn fframwaith tîm

•Ymrwymiad i lwyddo ac adnabod cyfleon i wella gwasanaeth



Cymwysterau a hyfforddiant perthnasol


•Cofrestriad cyfredol gyda’r NMC ar ran un neu ran dau o’r gofrestr

•Tystiolaeth o ddatblygiad proffesiynol a phersonol parhaus


•Diploma cyfredol mewn Nyrsio Iechyd Galwedigaethol

•Cymhwyster hyfforddi

Profiad perthnasol


•leiaf dwy flynedd o brofiad gweithio ôl-gofrestru

•Profiad o ddarparu ymarfer clinigol sy’n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth mewn swydd flaenorol

•Profiad o waith aml-ddisgyblaethol


•Profiad o weithio yn y maes Iechyd Galwedigaethol.

•Profiad o roi cyflwyniadau a / neu gynnal sesiynau hyfforddiant

•Profiad o gynnal archwiliadau

•Profiad o hyfforddi a mentora

•Profiad o ddatblygu polisïau neu arwain ar brosiectau

•Profiad gymryd rhan mewn ymgyrchoedd hybu iechyd

Sgiliau a gwybodaeth arbenigol


•Dealltwriaeth llawn o gôd ymarfer NMC a trefniadau llywodraethu clinigol

•Sgiliau rhyng-bersonol da gyda’r gallu i ymdrin yn sensitif gydag unigolion sy’n dioddef o salwch corfforol neu seicolegol.

•Gweithio’n effeithiol dan bwysau

•Sgiliau cyflwyno cadarn

•Sgiliau cyfrifiadurol cadarn i gynnwys pecyn Microsoft Office


•Gwybodaeth am reoliadau iechyd a diogelwch mewn perthynas â gwyliadwriaeth iechyd

Anghenion ieithyddol

Gwrando a Siarad - Uwch

Gallu dilyn sgwrs neu drafodaeth drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg ar lefel broffesiynol a thrafod pynciau cyffredinol bob dydd yn y maes er mwyn cyflwyno gwybodaeth a mynegi barn.Gallu darparu cyflwyniad wedi'i baratoi o flaen llaw ac ymateb i unrhyw sylwadau a chwestiynau arno drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg.

Darllen a Deall - Uwch

Gallu deall Cymraeg a Saesneg ysgrifenedig safonol, ffurfiol ac anffurfiol.Medru casglu gwybodaeth o amrywiol ffynonellau megis llythyrau, adroddiadau, erthyglau, drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg er mwyn cyflawni'r swydd.

Ysgrifennu - Uwch

Cyflwyno gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig gyda hyder ar ffurf llythyr, adroddiad mwy manwl a thechnegol ac ymateb i geisiadau ysgrifenedig gan gyfleu gwybodaeth, syniadau a barn drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. (Mae'n bosib cael cymorth i wirio'r iaith)

Cyngor Gwynedd
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Welsh essential
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