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Business Support Graduate


Job Title: Admin and Business Support Co-Ordinator

About Trimtabs:

We are a Carbon Nanotube production company manufacturing new energy materials from waste plastics. We are at the scale-up stage, poised for rapid growth. Founded by a professor from Swansea University, supported by experienced entrepreneurs with track record in technology developments and now in commercial partnership and funding by international technology company focussing on new energies - our mission is to develop sustainable technological solutions for CNT material production and application in batteries, wires and cables. We're seeking passionate exceptional extraordinary individuals to join our team and work directly with the founders to drive our company's success at our South Wales Innovation Centre.

Admin and Business Support Co-Ordinator Role Summary:

We seek an individual to support the company growth in all areas of business management supporting activities in admin, marketing, finance and staff support.

Key Responsibilities:

  • General Support : Office and lab support, initiation of suitable procedures and systems to support the company operation and development team growth, ensuring effective running of the work administrative processes;
  • Support to Operations: To provide remote and direct support and personal assistance to the team, and Management;
  • Marketing & Business Development : Collaborating with senior team members to market engagement, brochures, presentations, website and social media support;
  • Innovation Centre Set Up: Supporting the selection and planning for relocation to new Innovation Centre;
  • Personnel Support : Assisting with personnel management systems

Ideal Candidate:

  • Possibly a graduate with a management, marketing, environment or similar graduate qualification, who is keen to engage and train in multi-discipline activities before later focussing on one business area.
  • You are a quick learner who can rapidly grasp new concepts across various domains.
  • Your interpersonal skills allow you to work effectively with diverse stakeholders at all levels.
  • We are happy to consider experienced personnel who have not followed the academic path.

What We Offer:

  • Competitive compensation package based on skills and experience
  • Candidate specific training and career development scheme in chosen specialism
  • Indicative salary for 2 Year experienced candidate £26,000
  • Opportunity to significantly impact a high-growth startup by working closely within the Founders
  • Close mentorship from experienced entrepreneur founders
  • Dynamic, collaborative work environment If you're ready to take on a challenging role that will push your limits and accelerate your professional growth, we want to hear from you.

We encourage you to join us in shaping the future of the electrical materials sector supporting the energy development in a new era

Teitl Swydd: Cydlynydd Gweinyddol a Chymorth Busnes

Ynghylch Trimtabs:

Rydym yn gwmni cynhyrchu Nanotiwb Carbon sy'n gweithgynhyrchu deunyddiau ynni newydd o blastigau gwastraff. Rydym ar y cam cynyddu, yn barod ar gyfer twf cyflym. Wedi'i sefydlu gan athro o Brifysgol Abertawe, gyda chefnogaeth entrepreneuriaid profiadol sydd â hanes o ddatblygu technoleg ac sydd bellach mewn partneriaeth fasnachol a chyllid gan gwmni technoleg rhyngwladol sy'n canolbwyntio ar egni newydd - ein cenhadaeth yw datblygu atebion technolegol cynaliadwy ar gyfer cynhyrchu deunydd CNT a'i gymhwyso mewn batris, gwifrau a cheblau. Rydym yn chwilio am unigolion eithriadol angerddol i ymuno â'n tîm a gweithio'n uniongyrchol gyda'r sylfaenwyr i yrru llwyddiant ein cwmni yn ein Canolfan Arloesedd yn Ne Cymru.

Crynodeb o'r ôl Cydlynydd Gweinyddol a Chymorth Busnes:

Rydym yn chwilio am unigolyn i gefnogi twf y cwmni ym mhob maes rheoli busnes gan gefnogi gweithgareddau gweinyddol, marchnata, cyllid a chymorth staff.

Prif Gyfrifoldebau:

  • Cefnogaeth Gyffredinol : Cefnogaeth swyddfa a labordy, cychwyn gweithdrefnau a systemau addas i gefnogi gweithrediad y cwmni a thwf tîm datblygu, gan sicrhau bod y prosesau gweinyddol gwaith yn cael eu rhedeg yn effeithiol;
  • Cefnogaeth i Weithrediadau: Darparu cefnogaeth o bell ac uniongyrchol a chymorth personol i'r tîm, a'r Rheolwyr;
  • Marchnata a Datblygu Busnes : Cydweithio ag uwch aelodau'r tîm ar gyfer ymgysylltu â'r farchnad, pamffledi, cyflwyniadau, gwefan a chymorth cyfryngau cymdeithasol;
  • Sefydlu Canolfan Arloesedd: Cefnogi dewis a chynllunio ar gyfer adleoli i Ganolfan Arloesedd newydd;
  • Cefnogaeth Personél : Cynorthwyo gyda systemau rheoli personél

Yr Ymgeisydd Delfrydol:

  • O bosibl wedi graddio gyda chymhwyster graddedig mewn rheoli, marchnata, yr amgylchedd neu debyg, ac sy'n awyddus i gymryd rhan a hyfforddi mewn gweithgareddau amlddisgyblaethol cyn canolbwyntio'n ddiweddarach ar un maes busnes.
  • Rydych chi'n ddysgwr cyflym sy'n gallu deall cysyniadau newydd yn gyflym ar draws gwahanol feysydd.
  • Mae eich sgiliau rhyngbersonol yn eich galluogi i weithio'n effeithiol gyda rhanddeiliaid amrywiol ar bob lefel.
  • Rydym yn hapus i ystyried pobl profiadol nad ydynt wedi dilyn y llwybr academaidd.

Yr hyn yr ydym yn ei gynnig:

  • Pecyn iawndal cystadleuol yn seiliedig ar sgiliau a phrofiad
  • Cynllun hyfforddi a datblygu gyrfa sy'n benodol i ymgeiswyr mewn arbenigedd dewisol
  • Cyflog dangosol ar gyfer ymgeisydd profiadol 2 flynedd £26,000
  • Cyfle i gael effaith sylweddol ar fusnes newyddtwf uchel trwy weithio'n agos gyda'r Sylfaenwyr
  • Mentoriaeth agos gan sylfaenwyr entrepreneuriaid profiadol
  • Amgylchedd gwaith deinamig, cydweithredol

Os ydych chi'n barod i ymgymryd â rôl heriol a fydd yn gwthio'ch terfynau ac yn cyflymu eich twf proffesiynol, rydym am glywed gennych.

We encourage you to join us in shaping the future of the electrical materials sector supporting the energy development in a new era

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Welsh essential
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